Wednesday 6 May 2015

Peacock Seed Company Joins Media In Charity Work

Peacock Seeds 

As the Media was celebrating for World Press Freedom Day, Peacock Seeds Company supported Media Institute for Southern Africa, Malawi chapter (MISA MALAWI) with a donation of maize seeds worth K500 thousand Kwacha.

The support was meant to be part of MISA Malawi's donation to Rumphi hospital and for the 250 flood victims in Rumphi district.

"Having realised that MISA is donating few items to flood victims in Rumphi Peacock decided that it should intervene by contributing more to what MISA is going to donate to flood victims." said Innocent Jumbe Director for Production at Peacock Seeds Company, "In this context we are trying to look at peoples welfare. We are donating seeds so that they will plant in their fields, they will do inter cropping and then after three months we believe that these people will get something out of these seeds  if they really want to survive from the loss hey have experienced through floods."

Innocent Jumbe unpacking the seeds

The donated maize seeds to MISA Malawi chapter is half a tonne (that is 250 packs each weighing 2kgs amounting totaling to 500kgs)

Jumbe said "We have donated these seeds with hope that it will really get to the people and we will also follow up through MISA Malawi chapter and through any other means to make sure that the seed goes to the people and that people themselves should benefit from this donation."

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