Showing posts with label Hermann Mvula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hermann Mvula. Show all posts

Friday 5 December 2014

Kachere Publication Encourage Authors To Write In their Mother Tongue

Kachere Publication Encourage Authors To Write In their Mother Tongue 

A local publication, ‘Kachere Series Publications’ has encouraged writers and those dreaming to be authors to promote their mother languages by writing their works in their mother tongue.

A lot of Malawian authors writes their works in English language mostly spoken among the educated people and it is not understood by large population.

Hermann Mvula Deputy Director for Chanco Kachere Series Publication, said it is a good development to encourage people to write in Chichewa which is common among Malawians so that many people should read their works and understand the information they are bringing to the people.

Mvula observed that Malawi has very few authors in vernacular languages due to fear that people may not like their works. He said it is very important for upcoming authors to write their works using local languages that are understood by Malawians. He assured that publications like Kachere Series are ready to support anyone wishing to publish their work in any of Malawian Languages.

He therefore encouraged authors not to look-down upon themselves whenever they want to write book in their mother languages.

“I would encourage as many people as possible those who have ideas some of them have conceived their ideas but they have not put those into pen. I would encourage them to write them and seek appropriate publisher so that they can publish their thoughts. So their thoughts should not only be thoughts but they would be practical ideas that people would read them and become knowledgeable about what they want to write when it comes to kind of human and national development.” He said

“My word is to encourage those to seek publishers and of course Kachere is there to have that kind of service to the members of general public in Malawi in helping them to write good readable and workable materials.”

Mvula commended Mrs. Ebba Gondwe author of a recently published Kachere Series Chichewa Book titled ‘Kholo La Ngwiro”. He said Ebba Gondwe has become one of the very few Malawians who made a right decision by publishing her thoughts in Chichewa.

He said currently Kachere Publication house is publishing various types of books including; Monographs, Big and small books in various languages and authors should take advantage of this.